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  1. WAG on COVID19: Full of anger and disappointments (please read and share thoughts) : pharmacy
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The consequence of "packaging" those non-essential characteristics together is overgeneralizations. It's an overgeneralization because there's nothing inherent about valuing oneself above others that necessitates inconsideration of others. In fact, selfishness combined with rationality compels one to consider others: People are generally valuable because they offer goods and services for trade, they can keep you accountable, they can provide companionship, they can be sources of inspiration and admiration, they can help you understand yourself better, they can educate you, they can teach you new skills, they can provide new perspectives and considerations you didn't think of, etc. People are immensely valuable and that's why living in a society, as opposed to on a desert island alone, is tremendously beneficial. Essentially, a rational person cares for his values, people included. It's just a matter of recognizing that people are valuable (this explains why some people are perpetually bitter and resentful towards others: They have a mistaken estimation of the value of people).

WAG on COVID19: Full of anger and disappointments (please read and share thoughts) : pharmacy

~Why I wear masks (4 arguments listed in increasing order of detail)~ (1) CONCISE: I wear masks because (A) I want to protect others because people are valuable, (B) I expect others to wear masks so I'm protected, and (C) the benefits of A and B far outweigh the burden of wearing a mask. (2) ANALOGY: It's similar to opening doors for strangers: Unless I'm in a rush or my hands are full, I open doors for strangers because it's not a big deal and the gesture of generosity is recognized and appreciated by others, thereby encouraging them to do the same. It's a small deed that pays off in dividends by cultivating a culture of benevolence. (3) SCIENCE: [This is excerpted from a Yelp review LOL. ] For those curious, most mall shoppers are wearing masks. But many still are not. Many also are not wearing masks over their noses. People, be responsible and take the time to understand the importance of masks and HOW they work. Here--let me do your homework for you: Masks work by closely blocking the exit points (i. e. nose and mouth) of COVID-19 particulate.

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With the continuing Coronavirus crisis, the Romanian government has put together a response to the pandemic to slow the pandemic, and prevent Romania's healthcare system from being more overwhelmed than it already is. This plan includes an indefinite state of national emergency (until the virus crisis is over), an extension of nationwide lockdowns, and mass testing in major population centers. As part of this response, we will be commandeering the manufacturing centers of Romania, working with the textile industry and Romania's biomedical engineering industry to facilitate a robust response. Utilizing the Textile Industry Romanian healthcare workers are facing critical shortages of personal protective equipment such as gloves and face masks, a bare minimum which should not be lacking in the battle against an infectious disease. For this reason, the Romanian government will be working with several Romanian clothing producers, to use existing infrastructure to manufacture these gloves. Backed by a fund of $150 million USD, Romania will be working with companies such as Jolidon (large swimsuit / lingerie manufacturer), and other big names in the Romanian textile industry such as Damermet and Interfashion.

Working in a pharmacy may not be as insane as hospital emergency room. But, the demographics of patients visiting retail pharmacies cannot be much different from hospital demographics. Retail pharmacy face a exposure and chance of catching the infection just like those who work in the hospital. And, retail pharmacy deserves personal protective equipments just like those who work in the hospital. WAG is quoting CDC/WHO has been spitting out illogical bullshit saying things like "mask are only for those that are sick. " So if a patient comes to the pick up window.. (literally 2 feet away from you in the pharmacy) and coughs/sneezes, then is "washing hands for 20 seconds" really any effective to protecting pharmacy employees? No. What the fuck? The correct logic is.. if everyone is wearing mask, then nobody is spitting out the virus out of their mouth. Hence, better prevention overall. Obviously at this time taking ALL kinds of precaution/preventative measures cannot hurt anyone. This virus is growing fast and will grow faster in the next several weeks, as seen in other countries that did not take the virus seriously (e. g: European countries).

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More than 150 Iranian businessmen are present with their products and also Venezuelan businessmen. Some pictures: The google reviews I mentioned (some are autotranslated): This is great news to the people of Venezuela who are battling shortage of groceries and household items including drinking water, may god bless Iran and Megasis supermarket to grow and serve the humanitarian support in this country Cheap and Anti-imperialism supermarket! Best Market in very important times. Stay blessed both Venezuela & Iran. The prices are very good, they have a range of very good plastic items, especially for the kitchen and some decoration, I recommend them. The sweets part: candies, cookies, sweet cereals, chocolate spread, dates, sesame are exquisite, they are worth trying, they are Iranian products of excellent taste and quality!! Variety of quality products, competitive prices, accept foreign currency in cash, unknown excellent Iranian products, I recommend tasting, very cheap and excellent cookies.

People have been stabbed, caned, and bricked, yet many occasions are escorted away from the scene by law enforcement themselves. A lot of people whom have fallen victims to many of these "terrorists" are probably looking for a fight themselves. Protestors need a cue, whether it is visual, or aural to know the person they are attacking are pro government / Chinese, an most cases they are middle aged men who thinks they are the reincarnation or IP Man who overestimated their combat skills and end up humiliated. all these have been debunked by me to him/her but that does not convince him/her. Sometimes, I think these HK Rioters played too many wargames on xBox. They think HK is like North Korea or a dictatorship with no freedom. What is a HK Terrorists? - "a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. " - Which mean all of the "peaceful protesters" who beat up people, burned shops and attacked HK Police are HK domestic terrorists.

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Last month, Iran opened a hypermarket in Venezuela and stocked it with Iranian products. I didn't really pay much attention, but today I came across it and it was bigger than I thought. "But it is the first one owned by a company in Iran, one of the few countries helping Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro evade U. S. sanctions. And it comes equipped with a kind of high-tech Covid shield -- an airport-scanner-like booth that measures shoppers' temperatures and sprays them with disinfectant mist. " That above is from western rag paper, but domestic Venezuelan seem to have better reporting. This is one I found and read the google translated version: Here are is one highlight: The store is located in the Terrazas del Ávila urbanization and will generate 100 direct and 400 indirect jobs. Another one: You cannot enter the supermarket without first going through the biosecurity system, it is the only one in Venezuela that has this technology. It is a kind of capsule similar to the one found in airports where the person must look at the camera so that the equipment detects body temperature, if he has a fever an alarm sounds and he will not be able to enter, if the system determines that everything OK, move on to the disinfection area.... Iran continues to show the world its strengths and the development it has achieved in 40 years of US blockade.

Why can't these fucking corporates understand that pharmacists need to not only protect themselves but also to protect others by doing everything possible to minimize the spread? I understand that the current guidelines have no suggestions about masks and gloves. But its so intuitive that masks and gloves help to flatten the curve. Look at Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore: flat outbreak because ALL citizens are cautious. Almost ALL wearing protective equipments. And, look at Italy. 10% death rate. This number is no joke. What did the italians do to prevent? Nothing. What are we doing? Nothing. Again, Pharmacists need personal protective equipments, just like those in the hospital. These corporates are just fucking trying to make profit out of this pandemic. Selling grocery items via drive-thru. Being fucking grocery shopper is not what pharmacists need to do. Lastly.. if the WAG corporate doesnt want to provide any protection for the employees.. shouldn't they at least have a decency to allow pharmacists to wear protective equipments?

Therein is the common point of confusion: that selfishness does not value people. No, selfishness very much values people, but they are prioritized below the self. Furthermore, once one evaluates the benefits of life and thereby accepts the choice to live, and because the self is the most important value because of its necessity to reap the benefits of life, one has an objective—not subjective—basis for evaluating values: how something benefits the self. What makes something subjective isn't that the conclusion is different for everyone (the immediate reductio ad absurdum is that even science is subjective since there is always disagreement between scientists)—what makes something subjective is using emotions as the guide for evaluating truth as opposed to correspondence with reality in spite of one's feelings: [PM me for link; redacted for privacy] Make no mistake: Wearing masks is selfish. And it's precisely because it's selfish, one has the utmost motivation to wear a mask rigorously because one values himself and people in general.

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Sun, 28 Feb 2021 08:51:27 +0000