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Sentant une odeur de nourriture, ils rejoignent une échoppe vide regorgeant de victuailles, et les parents de la fillette s'installent; prévoyant de payer en partant, ils commencent à manger goulûment. Agacée par leur comportement, Chihiro part explorer le village abandonné et se retrouve à l'entrée d'un pont menant à un palais des bains. Là, un jeune garçon l'avertit de partir vite avant le coucher du soleil.

Season 2 17 Jul. 2015 Brand New Couch Picking up where he left off, Bojack Horseman is now set to start filming his dream movie Secretariat. Yesterdayland BoJack is drawn to the one female in town who has no idea who he is (because she was in a coma). Todd opens a theme park. Still Broken A funeral turns into a treasure hunt for the "Horsin' Around" cast and a potential schmoozefest for Princess Carolyn and Mr. Peanutbutter. Meanwhile, Todd briefly reinvents himself. After the Party Mr. Peanutbutter throws Diane a surprise birthday party, putting tension on their relationship. Princess Carolyn and Vincent have a serious talk. Wanda tells BoJack a joke. Chickens Todd tries to save a chicken from the slaughter house while Bojack and Kelsey are allowed some bonding time. Higher Love Princess Carolyn sees an opportunity when Mr. Peanutbutter's agent dies. BoJack flips when he says the "L" word out loud to Wanda. Hank After Dark Diane goes off script during BoJack's book tour, jeopardizing Mr. Peanutbutter's new show.

AD Audio descriptions (AD) refer to a narration track describing what is happening on screen, to provide context for those who are blind or have low vision. Movies in Action & Adventure

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Fri, 19 Feb 2021 15:21:10 +0000