The Office Season 4 Streaming

Season 1 15 Feb. 2015 Episode #1. 1 Discovering that Abu Ahmed will attend his brother's wedding, Doron joins his old team for a covert strike, but the plan quickly goes off the rails. 22 Feb. 2 Having tasted action again, Doron pleads with Moreno to rejoin the squad. Meanwhile, Amal determines to martyr herself to avenge her husband. 1 Mar. 3 Abu Ahmed leans on Walid to organize an immediate retaliatory attack, and Doron and Nurit go undercover to close in on their quarry. 8 Mar. 4 Doron sets his sights on recruiting Shirin to his cause. Abu Ahmed risks his life to see his wife, and Moreno sends the team on a daring daytime raid. 15 Mar. 5 A senior Israeli officer tries to smoke Abu Ahmed out of hiding. Ali fights suspicions of duplicity, and Boaz joins the squad on a risky ambush. 22 Mar. 6 Blamed for the disastrous ambush, Doron takes matters into his own hands and asks the team to join him on a mission to set things right. 29 Mar. 7 While Moreno tries to track down the rogue team, Doron sinks his hooks deeper into Shirin and takes drastic measures to make a prisoner exchange.

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Top reviews from the United States There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on July 25, 2020 Verified Purchase After seeing this movie several times it finally dawned on me that it is a remake of Some Like It Hot. Instead of 2 men masquerading as women to hide from gangsters in an all-girl band, this movie has 2 women masquerading as drag queens to hide from gangsters in a gay bar. As with the original it is played for broad laughs all around, with romance on the side. It is touching and hilarious! Reviewed in the United States on January 18, 2017 Verified Purchase This was the cutest movie I'd seen in a long time. Nia Vardelos has always been a favorite. Toni Collette I really didn't care about. I had seen her in another movie and thought her kind of dull. But, I was impressed by her acting skills in this movie. Cute and funny! Reviewed in the United States on January 11, 2019 Verified Purchase This isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I love these silly light comedies, when done well like this one.

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