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She proceeded to tear into the Republican party for "now standing up to" Trump when they should have done it earlier, like when he "separated children at the border. " Once again, McCain wouldn't have it. "We are talking about opening up Pandora's box of ISIS into Europe, into the rest of the world, " she said. "Don't blame shift. This is extremely serious. Our generation's children will be dealing with this. " The panel continued to talk over one another, and Goldberg quickly shut down the discussion. "We are getting out, " said the longtime moderator. As the camera pulled back, the co-hosts continued to spar across the table. If only it was captured on a hot mic! Watch Whoopi Goldberg and Meghan McCain throw down on The View in the clip above. Where to stream The View

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Symbols: Meanwhile, country star Faith Hill implored the Mississippi legislature to vote to change that state's flag which contained a Confederate flag in its design, calling it a 'symbol of terror' Advertisement

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'When we protest racism in America, people think we are protesting America itself, ' Justin penned. 'Why is that the reaction? Because America was built by men who believed in and benefitted from racism. Plain and simple. ' 'This is when you hear "But that's all in the past", ' he continued. 'So let's be clear... those men who proudly owned and abused Black people are STILL celebrated all over the country. ' The popstar went on say that he found it 'unacceptable' that of the approximate 1, 850 confederate monuments in the U. S. more that 50% are located in southern states. ⠀ Speaking out: The 39-year-old Tennessee native said on social media that the monuments 'must be taken down' and that doing so is 'a symbol of respect for Black people in America' Knowledge is power: Along with his post, Justin shared a video created by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) about the history of the emblems that featured the organizations legal director Jeffrey Robinson 'No one should be protecting the legacies of confederate leaders and slave owners, ' Justin wrote.

Last month, Taylor Swift, who is also from Tennessee, called for the monuments to be removed, calling them 'despicable. ' 'I'm asking the Capitol Commission and the Tennessee Historical Commission to please consider the implications of how hurtful it would be to continue fighting for these monuments, ' she wrote on Instagram. Stars speaking out: Last month, fellow popstar and Tennessean Taylor Swift, also called on lawmakers to remove the 'despicable' Confederate emblems which she said 'celebrate racist historical figures who did evil things' 'When you fight to honor racists, you show black Tennesseans and all of their allies where you stand, and you continue this cycle of hurt. You can't change history, but you can change this. ' Meanwhile, country star Faith Hill implored the Mississippi legislature to vote to change that state's flag which contained a Confederate flag in its design, calling it a 'symbol of terror. ' Two days after Faith's message, the legislature passed a bill to removed the emblem from the Mississippi stat flag.

Adds Fonda, "Change is coming by design or by disaster. A Green New Deal that transitions off fossil fuels provides the design. They say it's not realistic, that it's Socialism. That's what they said about Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal, and we got Social Security and a middle class. " Despite her arrest, the actress plans on returning to the U. Capitol steps next week (and the week after, and the week after) for another protest. Beginning Thursday, October 17, supporters can watch a live streamed teach-in about that Friday's protest, each of which will center on a different aspect of climate change, from clean water to forests. These teach-ins will feature interviews with experts who will discuss and answer questions about the next day's topic.

"I'm going to take my body, which is kind of famous and popular right now because of the [ Grace & Frankie] series and I'm going to go to D. C. and I'm going to have a rally every Friday, " she said. "It'll be called 'Fire Drill Friday. ' And we're going to engage in civil disobedience and we're going to get arrested every Friday. " CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE: New video shows actress Jane Fonda being arrested on the steps of the U. Capitol during a climate change protest, with Fonda demanding urgent action on a Green New Deal and fellow protesters cheering as she was led away. — World News Tonight (@ABCWorldNews) October 11, 2019 In a press release, Fonda explained that she was inspired by young climate strikers like Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish student who recently spoke at the United Nations Climate Action Summit. "Our house is on fire, " the press release reads. "We need immediate action for a Green New Deal — clean renewable energy by 2030 and no new exploration for and extraction of fossil fuels. "

Mon, 01 Mar 2021 03:02:55 +0000