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When a British judge ruled in favor of the publication, who Depp had sued for referring to him as a 'wife-beater' in regards to his relationship with ex-wife Amber Heard, Warner Bros. decided to sever ties with Depp. Depp had only shot one scene of the sequel, though his 'pay-or-play' contract allows him to keep the full $10 million he was paid for the role. Producction: Production started on Fantastic Beasts 3 on September 20 in London, though the studio had waited to see how Depp's defamation lawsuit against British tabloid The Sun The actor also has a defamation lawsuit against Heard in Virginia, which required the actor to be in court for three consecutive days in November, which would have also altered the Fantastic Beasts 3 shooting schedule. The studio notified the production that Depp was taken off the schedule on November 5, according to The Hollywood Reporter, a day before Depp made his resignation public. The studio released a brief statement shortly thereafter, indicating that the role of Gellert Grindelwald will be re-cast.

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Petrification also increases hit lag for melee characters (since essentially you're now hitting a rock). It also doesn't do anything else or interact with his skills (specifically hold E) in any way. Without shatter or any resistance debuffs or interactions, just seem like a weaker version of Freeze. Zhongli has lower basic attack multipliers than Xiangling and is only a tiny bit faster. His hold E shield takes a weekend and half to cast. Most times you'll get smacked out of it or it makes you sit in damage that you would've otherwise just dodged anyways. The shield is also super weak. At 25k HP it tanks 2 hits (), fully build into that with 47k HP and it tanks 4.... that's extremely underwhelming.... Like Geo MC's Geo structures, you can accidentally climb it during an intense fight, CCing yourself. Geo Structures cannot be placed on the Oceanid platforms, making him have zero ways to generate energy. The pillar cannot be aimed to place so it's easy to overlap it with a boss monster or another structure in your maze, in which case it simply disappears.

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Sat, 13 Mar 2021 12:51:49 +0000