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There was only one within a fifty mile radius of my house, and there was only a single day with exam slots available until the end of the damn year! Next time I know not to cut it so close. I'll be scheduling it well in advance. I've been studying hard for months, it's such a massive relief to have it over with. I really feel like maybe I can do anything now that I've passed something I had no prior understanding of. Next up, Security+! I eventually aim to get the CISSP like my dad and go into cybersecurity. Thanks for reading my wall of text!

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I took note of all the subjects I missed on the first practice exam and went back and watched Dion's relevant videos on Udemy. I did this for the rest of his exam pack, and by the sixth one I was getting in the mid-80s on them. Then two days before the exam I took the Boson exams, which had much better simulations for the PBQs (while expensive, I'm so glad I took them -- I really feel like they prepared me for the PBQs more than anything else). The day before the exam and the morning of the exam I didn't study anything else, trying to give my brain a chance to reflect and relax. After all, at that point either I knew my shit or I didn't, and it was unlikely to change in less than 24 hours. I scheduled the exam a week before I sat it -- I've read so many stories of problems taking the exam at home online that I didn't want to risk it, and I was worried I'd have to forfeit the exam fee if the proctors didn't like how noisy it can be at my house, what with the kids. When I went to schedule it I panicked, because most of the exam centers that were available last year when I scheduled the A+ were closed!!

Dooley's scenes are restored for the Director's cut, and consequently Belushi gets the "Special Thanks" instead. See more » Alternate Versions In 1998, Warner Bros. released a special edition DVD of the film, with the original ending as an extra. A black and white dupe made after the LA preview, it was still in rough form, with some music and sound effects missing, and various special effects unfinished. Days after the release, producer David Geffin had the DVDs recalled and replaced with a version without the original ending. As a result, the recalled DVD has become a much sought-after collector's item. The original ending, as seen on the DVD, has also been uploaded to various torrent and video sharing sites. See more » Connections References The Donna Reed Show (1958) Frequently Asked Questions See more » Details Release Date: 19 December 1986 (USA) Also Known As: Little Shop of Horrors Box Office Budget: $25, 000, 000 (estimated) Opening Weekend USA: $3, 659, 884, 21 December 1986 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $38, 983, 045 See more on IMDbPro » Company Credits Technical Specs Runtime: 94 min 102 min (original) See full technical specs » Prime Video has you covered this holiday season with movies for the family.

In 1998, Brandon was named Arkansas' first All-American football player since 1993, and was selected in the NFL's third round of drafts in 1999. Brandon was killed in a car accident eleven days after being drafted. GREATER opens on the day of Brandon's funeral, and follows his story as his family members mourn and reminisce about Brandon's successful college career. Throughout his life, Brandon was sure that had had a purpose for him. He felt called to play on the Razorbacks football team. His mother was always supportive, but his brother, Marty, was skeptical. How could a "chunky kid" like Brandon get into a college football team, let alone on a scholarship? As Brandon's career progresses, Marty learns that it's not enough just to hear God's call: you have to act on it. Brandon's obedience to God's plan has more important outcomes than anyone predicts. While Marty grieves his brother's death, he comes to realize the true reach of Brandon's godly influence on his friends and teammates.

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I passed with an 805! I'm so happy! It was a long hard road this year toward earning my second certification (I got the A+ last summer). I struggle with lupus and a lot of related health challenges, and the pandemic sure hasn't made things easier -- a lot of my time was taken up by caregiving for my niece and nephew (toddler and baby) and my grandfather with severe dementia. I was so worried that the Network+ content would be beyond my reach -- it felt like the A+ was a fluke, because I was already pretty familiar with building my own PCs and playing computer nerd with my dad. But Network+ was a whole 'nother kettle of fish. I had zero familiarity with networking aside from setting up a home router/wireless access point box, which was pretty idiot-proof -- and autoconfiguring to boot. My career thus far was as a lab manager for a community college physical sciences department, mostly TAing as an organic chemist and moonlighting in cadaver dissection. You can see how there's absolutely no overlap, lol.

Just like the A+ exams, though, I felt like I was failing almost the whole time during the exam. I saved the PBQs for last, and luckily I got problems I understood how to solve very well -- though they were a lot more involved than any of the practice exams' PBQs. I finished with about 30 questions flagged, which I gave a quick once-over to make sure I had read the question properly and knew what they were asking for, but prior experience has taught me not to change my answers, it'll only screw me up, so I ended the exam with 20 minutes left on the clock and hoped that was the right decision. Luckily I was right! For study materials I started out reading Mike Meyers' All-in-One book, but after about ten chapters it was dragging a bit (and I only got about that far in his Udemy video series as well) so I switched to Professor Messer's youtube series. I finished the whole series, taking notes along the way, and started doing Jason Dion's practice exams on Udemy -- and after the first one, which I only got a 70 on, I knew I had more work to do.

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Hello all! I'm currently 31+6 weeks pregnant and I can't believe how fast time has flown by! I swore to myself that I would be top of everything and be prepared but..... I'm not. This is my first pregnancy for my husband and I and I wanted to get us into birthing classes and a newborn class so we would feel more at ease being first time parents. The classes at the hospital are a little pricey and as covid hit and I no longer have my part time job to help supplement our income, we've been stretching our paychecks as well as we can and I'm having trouble deciding if the classes would be worth it or if there's alternatives. Has anyone gone without these types of classes? Went through something similar but affordable online? Thanks!

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