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Deadlands ¿Qué ocurriría si la historia del mundo no fuera tal como la conocemos? ¿Qué pasaría si hubiera un periodo oscuro, del que todo lo que sabemos actualmente hubiera sido incorrecto? Una época en la que el Salvaje Oeste es más salvaje aún, en el que el mundo de los vivos se une al de los muertos. Ni tan siquiera tu alma se aventuraría a salir de tu cuerpo, pues hay cosas que son peores que la muerte. Prepárate, el juicio final se acerca… 25/07/2005 08:01 CEST

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I've seen a lot of comedy shows in the past few years and believe me, Hinamatsuri belongs in a category of its own. It's entertaining not just on the level of being able to make me laugh but also able to capture the magic of what comedy really is about. It's only 12 episodes but manages to make an addicting impression. As a fan of the manga, delightful is just one of many words that came to mind when I heard about the adaptation. The manga contains over 70+ read more Back when I first started Hinamatsuri in the midst of other shows for the Spring season Hinamatsuri felt different. Compared to the others, it pulled me in and in a different way too. In the first five minutes I was slightly taken aback by the artstyle but when I continued watching it, it hit me with it's wonder. Hinamatsuri is exactly that kind of anime, and it continued to be so till it's end, it calms you down, then immediately rushes out with the comedy and before you know it, you're laughing out loud. Oh and there are tons of heartfelt moments too, what more What makes a great comedy anime?

Están los malos, con el Capitán Vidal a la cabeza, y los buenos, con los personajes de Álex Angulo y Maribel Verdú (ambos soberbios en sus roles de médico y encargada del caserío en el que se desarrolla la acción) como máximos representantes. Y en medio de todos ellos Ofelia, una hija de la guerra cuya desbordante imaginación sirve de contrapunto a los horrores que debe (y ha debido) soportar. Luis E. Parés, en "Otra maldita película sobre la Guerra Civil (y II)", en CTXT, el 9 de octubre de 2019, escribió: [... ] Podría parecer obvio en un país que tanto ha transitado el género del fantaterror la decisión de hacer películas fantásticas sobre la Guerra Civil, y sin embargo, fue Guillermo del Toro el que abrió la senda. También fue el siguiente en seguirla, con "El laberinto del fauno" (2006), ambientada en la posguerra, donde un falangista, ataviado como tal, es un villano casi de cómic de Marvel. Pero esta interesante senda apenas ha sido seguida [... ] En el guión de la película, se escribió:... - Señorito local: Nosotros le asistiremos en todo lo que necesite, capitán.

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There, they put their sleuthing... Read more 'Anna and the Apocalypse' By Fletcher Peters Similar to The Nightmare Before Christmas, it's difficult to tell whether Anna and the Apocalypse should be classified as a Halloween or Christmas film. While it's set during the snowy days leading up to the holiday season, it also takes place during a violent zombie apocalypse. And in case the holiday and zombie genres weren't... Read more 'The Speed Cubers' By Conrad Doucette Perhaps the feel good documentary of the year, this short (40 minute) film spotlights the world of Rubik's Cube solving through two young, recent champions: a poised, gracious Australian, and the autistic, sweet Californian who breaks his records one by one. A fascinating exploration of a hidden culture that's ultimately a moving examination of... Read more 'The Call of the Wild' (2020) By Claire Spellberg Nothing says "welcome to winter" quite like The Call of the Wild. Disney and 20th Century Studios' 2020 remake stars Harrison Ford as John Thornton, the experienced frontiersman at the center of Jack London's beloved novel.

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And who knew George Clooney could play such a hammy actor and blithering wishy washy idiot?... To Rome! Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 4 March 2018 Verified Purchase Least of my favourite Coen movies which is also to say it isn't at all bad... Lovely cacophony of famous actors and actresses putting in their bit and very amusing at times as all Coen Bros films are.. and they are a real cut above most, nearly all of the other U. S. directors out there. Now other greats have died off (Altman, Kubrick, Huston etcetera) to be replaced by bad capitalism and worse committees - Yawn! So hope the Coen's keep making films until other directors with a brains, wills and persistence emerges???? Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 1 September 2018 Verified Purchase Very disappointed for a Coen Brothers film! Boring and too long storyline was weak and silly not even funny! Shame as lots of good actors star in it but just didn't work! I'm such a Coen brothers fan as well Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 29 January 2018 Verified Purchase A fun film, with some great scenes & dialogue, but not up with the Coen's best.

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Mon, 15 Mar 2021 06:05:44 +0000