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Would be nice for companies offer discounts when you already have Blu-ray to pay a small fee or refund after you buy 4K! level 1 Now My Watch Begins Moderator of r/gameofthrones, speaking officially 1 point · 2 years ago [NO SPOILERS] means any comments with spoilers need to use spoiler tags to cover the information. Show tags are black. Book tags are red. Game tags are orange. For more info please check the spoiler guide. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. This is a place to enjoy and discuss the HBO series, book series ASOIAF, and GRRM works in general. It is a safe place regardless of where you are in the story. We have three main rules. Content must be relevant. Spoilers must have warning. Be legal and respectful to others. Post spoiler tags are: [No Spoilers], [Spoilers], or [Leaks] Posts outside the content scope are removed. Redditors unable to follow the [sub's rules]() are banned.

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The rest of the video is devoted to the Dutch and British royal families and their connections to known pedophiles and Nazis. PART 8 Part 8 – Beyond Kings & Queens This episode delves into the dark side of pedophilia, exposing cults who engage in satanic ritual abuse and the murder of children for adrenochrome. It also investigates the association of the British royal family, the Pope and celebrities with these groups. Red shoes anyone? How about the genocide of 50, 000 native Canadian children? PART 9 Part 9 – The Dawn of a New World The rise of populist movements around the world like the Yellow Vests and QAnon are examined. While the public is becoming aware of the existence of sex cults like NXIVM, other scandals like the Rosatom affair involving the Clintons are being covered up. Get ready for some bombshells about Obama, John McCain, the Dalai Lama and the true identity of Osama bin Laden. PART 10 Part 10 – The Return of the King The final episode is a hopeful one. It promotes the theory that JFK Jr. is still very much alive and working with Donald Trump through Q to rid the world of the cabal that killed his father.

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Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of this week's episode to the original, or just general talk about the source material. You are still required to tag all spoilers. Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: [Spoiler source](/s "Spoiler goes here") I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Phn f vit proher natura testimonios

Les comèdiens, Michel Serrault en assureur muet, Jean Poiret en faux paralytique et Jeanne Moreau dans le rôle d'une... Lire plus Plus grossier que provocateur (c'est bien le principal problème du film), "Le Miraculé" a cependant le mérite de montrer comment l'être humain fait commerce de la foi. Lourdes est l'endroit idéal pour ce film car cette ville est pour l'exploitation pécuniaire de la religion ce que Las Vegas est au jeu. Ses acteurs nous amusent dommage que sa réalisation et son propos manquent d'ambition. Une charge anticléricale féroce et bien vue mais sachant rester bon enfant et dont le propos vole bien plus haut que ce qu'on pourrait penser. On est un peu inquiet au début en raison de la diction quasi théâtrale des acteurs mais on s'habitue vite. Le spectacle est assuré notamment grâce à la collaboration d'acteurs qui semblent rentrer à fond dans ce délire, à ce point qu'on a tendance à pardonner la réalisation parfois brouillonne... Ah pauvre Bernadette, si elle avait su qu'elle allait devenir la fondatrice d'une très florissante entreprise commerciale.

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Summary: Martin (Emile Hirsch) is a struggling LA musician nervously meeting his girlfriend Ginnie's intimidating father, Mr. Gallo (J. K. Simmons), for the first time. Gallo is a tough-minded, no-nonsense international businessman who never has enough time for Ginnie (Analeigh Tipton). At dinner together, Gallo is resolutely unimpressed by Martin, Martin (Emile Hirsch) is a struggling LA musician nervously meeting his girlfriend Ginnie's intimidating father, Mr. At dinner together, Gallo is resolutely unimpressed by Martin, Martin grows increasingly uncomfortable, and the meal is a disaster. Six months later, Martin's broken-hearted over being dumped by Ginnie, who has "moved on", when Gallo shows up at his door looking for his daughter. Her cellphone is off and she has not responded to any texts or emails. Although it's the last thing he wants to do, Martin is "persuaded" by Gallo to take him to where Martin believes Ginnie is living. Ginnie isn't there either, and Martin and Mr. Gallo are forced to spend the rest of the day and night together, searching for her all over town.

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